Prayer networks meet once a month online through zoom. Meetings are planned to run 30-45 minutes, but with space to stay and chat for longer afterwards. Each meeting will have time to chat and share stories, discuss policy issues, have a short devotion and pray for each other, our party and our nation.

If you wish to join a prayer group, please fill in the contact form below, or email us on

We will create groups around preferred times and, where possible, geographic areas. Currently, we have two meetings per month:

  • Evening: 7:30pm on the first Wednesday of each month
  • Lunchtime: 12:30pm on the third Monday of each month

Prayer meetings for 2024

Wednesday 6 March, 7:30pm
Monday 18 March, 12:30pm

Wednesday 3 April, 7:30pm
Monday 15 April, 12:30pm

Wednesday 1 May, 7:30pm
Monday 20 May, 12:30pm

Wednesday 5 June, 7:30pm
Monday 17 June, 12:30pm

Wednesday 3 July, 7:30pm
Monday 15 July, 12:30pm

Wednesday 7 August, 7:30pm
Monday 19 August, 12:30pm

Wednesday 4 September, 7:30pm
Monday 16 September, 12:30pm

Wednesday 2 October, 7:30pm
Monday 21 October, 12:30pm

Wednesday 6 November, 7:30pm
Monday 18 November, 12:30pm

Wednesday 4 December, 7:30pm
Monday 16 December, 12:30pm

Contact us

If you want to join a prayer group, please get in touch on the form below or email