Christians for Labor is a network of Christians from all denominations and traditions. We want to see a strong Labor Party that has a vibrant Christian voice within it, and actively and effectively seeks the Christian vote.

We aim to foster the conversation between Christians and Labor, to help Christians engage effectively with the ALP, and help the Party listen and speak well with Christians.

Our plan includes:

  • Facilitating Christians meeting with each other, talking lovingly about policy and public issues, and praying together.
  • Hosting meetings between Christians and ALP leaders.
  • Resourcing Christians to engage with the ALP effectively and advocate for the issues that are important to them.
  • Supporting Christians who are members of the ALP to be faithful and effective, and developing the next generation of Christian leaders within the Party.
  • Helping like-minded Christians connect and organise on common issues.

Our Values

We uphold the Nicene Creed, the historic statement of the Christian faith common to all major denominations and traditions.

We seek to work in a way that is:

  • Loving
  • Welcoming
  • Non-judgmental
  • Non-denominational
  • Policy agnostic
  • Non factional

Frequently Asked Questions

Read our FAQ

Sen Deborah O'Neill

Senator Deborah O’Neill

Federal Senator for NSW

Senator O’Neill is a proud supporter of Christians for Labor and is a ‘garden  variety’ person of faith in the Catholic tradition.  

She has constantly fought for religious freedom in Parliament and is an enduring advocate for a healthy society that enables all Australians to manifest their faith in accordance with the standards set out in the ICCPR. 

She welcomes the opportunity to support more Christians into full participation in the Labor Party.